
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.




Design Updates

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You might have noticed a few changes to our styles over the last few weeks as we tested things out. We noticed our original styles were a bit too one color. We have added a softer version of our purple as well as kept the size of the buttons a little smaller overall with the more important the button the slightly larger it is.
This change also helps us align with our goals of making sure testing is automated as much as possible so we can release new features more often with less likelihood of releasing bugs. These new styles are built in mind for this.
We also found some performance bottlenecks on a few pages and these style updates allowed us to find the culprit and remove the issues; so a few pages now load faster too!
Finally, we are working on more themes (
dark mode
We have been creating separate events for notifications and we are ready to help create rules around notifications so you can ignore events you do not care about or have different emails for different types of events. All choices allow for multiple to be selected (i.e. Inbound and Outbound). Voicemail and Campaign conditions do require Outbound to be selected. Feel free to update your settings at any time.
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Easier Call Ratings and Flags
We got some great feedback that it would be nice to have ability to add flagged or reviewed and also change the call rating direct from the Calls page where you see all your calls.
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First things first the wait is over. We have released our beta of multilingual support. This means GAIL can now accept calls in Spanish and if you create scripts in Spanish it will also start conversations in Spanish. To start you will need to update your languages supported under the voice in settings. There are also even more voices now too!
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User Role
We now have a user role instead of just admin. This role allows a user to only access the "MAIN" part of the navigation so you can make sure changes to your account are only from admins.
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Contact Source
Contacts have been updated to support contact source, currently GAIL or Organization created. This paves the way for GAIL to create a contact when a new caller calls in. This will soon enable some new features allowing GAIL to know who is calling based on past conversations. Also coming soon is better contact searching.
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Bug Fixes
  • Handbook no longer creates second duplicate after creating duplicate when saving




Agency Zoom Small Update

While we have been working hard at fixing and improving Agency Zoom's integration we do catch errors at times. For that reason we have a new errors page so you can see any errors that happen. In many of these cases the script trying to be used is incorrectly spelled or similar and this can help you identify these issues among others as well.
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Sponsored Partners
We have also added a few sponsored partners as well. These companies can help increase your benefit even more through GAIL and we think they might help many of you. Check them out on the partner page!




Transfer Hub



Directory, Transfer Rules, and new voices

We've been hard at work with some big changes that just happened to line up in a single release.
Directory Library
First in the directory we've added a new third party library. We have compiled a list of common third-parties so it's easier to add them to your directory. We've also added a new feature to allow you to control direct transfers on a directory contact so you don't need to create as many Transfer Hub rules.
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Transfer Hub Fixes
Secondly, we know it's been a pain point for a while and the complexities of transferring have been an issue for some of our customers. We've poured over every call that has had a transfer issue and have been working hard on a series of fixes that should make transfers much more reliable. Along with the fixes we also now allow simple transfer rules for direct transfers in the directory. The logic before this release was set to during business hours. If that is what your agency needs then no changes are needed, but if you want more control now you have it at the click of a dropdown and a save button.Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 1
New Voices
Lastly we have added a few new voices. These new voices have been vetted by our team to work well for many cases including the upcoming support for bilingual communications
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GAIL Call Notes, Flags, and Ratings

We've got a good one for you today, from feedback from many of you we saw a great need for more info to be editable on calls to help track, well, almost anything.
Internal Notes
  • Caller Rating (you get to turn this on for inbound calls and for specific campaigns)
  • Your Rating (you get to score the call, this will directly be used to help train GAIL to do better)
  • Flagged (you can flag a call for any reason)
  • Reviewed (you can mark a call reviewed)
  • Notes (GAIL will be adding notes for you as well as you can add any number of notes yourself too)
  • These are also seen (except notes) on the Calls search page
  • Available on both desktop and mobile
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Call Survey Rating
You can choose to have call surveys in 3 places
  • Receptionist Handbook allows you to give call surveys to inbound calls
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  • Call Scripts: allows you to have default settings for certain scripts for call surveys
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  • Campaigns: allows you to choose at the time you create campaigns to have a call survey and will use the default from the call script chosen
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Bug Fixes
  • Name of Call Scripts can include special characters now without breaking
  • Simplified data for Smart Setup
  • Campaigns will properly close now (you can get reports again)
Coming Soon
  • Ability to search calls based on ratings and flags (this update will include a host of other updates around searching calls and communications)
We know the Handbook can handle a great many things, but as you add more its easy to make mistakes or make it hard for GAIL to understand what you want and how it should handle all of your use cases. Instead of having to perform many test calls, only a few should be needed after a review by GAIL that will analyze your Use Cases and give you informed feedback on what changes it would recommend. You can approve or decline any feedback given. We do still recommend you test your Handbook after changes and review just to make sure it is up to your standards as well.
This review can be run manually or it will run automatically after every save.
Key List of Features of Review
  • Review Use Case to confirm information is provided in an easy to understand way
  • Review Use Case to confirm data is not overly redundant or duplicative
  • Review Use Case to confirm enough information is provided
  • Review Use Case to confirm actions are not out of order
  • You can now remove any integration
  • SmartSetup now includes Receptionist Handbook
  • Phone Numbers show based on locale selected in the Settings page
  • Directory is now sorted alphabetically (thanks for the feedback!)
A few more large updates are coming soon (like the Receptionist Handbook Review)
We squashed a bug not allowing duplicating of scripts that had FAQs already added.





More User Feedback

We are loving the feature requests you all make and we hope they make GAIL that much better for you and your agency! Here is what we have been able to add in this release:
  • Duplicate Use Cases in Handbook here (GAIL helps you create the duplicate with whatever changes you need)
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  • Break periods in business hours here (you can now add a break period or more in your business hours)
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Bug Fix
  • Directory add contact phone number working again
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